Good afternoon Jarvis Christian College Community, Today, commemorates Constitution Day. It is a time to remember the document that was developed that attempted to address the issue of life, liberty... More
July 10, 2020Dear Jarvis Christian College Family:I know this pandemic has taken a toll upon all of us. With your safety and health in mind, we have decided to continue... More
Jarvis students will have to follow three simple steps to qualify for the debt reduction.If there is one thing that COVID-19 allowed all of us to see is that there... More
June 16, 2020Dear Students:Writing this letter has been a challenge for me considering the impact of social, racial, and economic injustices that are happening in America today…the land of the... More
Dear Students:I hope all is going well with you and your families; and I am sure that you are ready to return to Jarvis Christian College. We are ready for... More
Discover more about the Jarvis Online programs that are 100% online. Representatives from the College will be online to help you discover more about this fast-track program. Sign-up here:
Dear Faculty and Staff:We are in receipt of the recently passed Family First Coronavirus Response Act, which becomes effective April 1, 2020 and will remain in effect through December 31,... More
Please know that we are continuing to monitor COVID-19 and we are proceeding with extreme caution to remain safe. We advise each of you to do the same. Additionally, we... More